Oglethorpe County Bee Club

Helping Mother Nature, One Colony at a Time
OCBC Meeting
Monday, March 17th 2025
Doors open at 6:45pm
Meeting Begins at 7pm
Farm Bureau 925 Athens Road
Crawford, GA 30630
Speaker: Shawn Jones
He is currently the President of Commerce Beekeepers Club. He returned to beekeeping in 2020 after a 40 year hiatus from beekeeping in his youth. He and his wife, Angie, run Berry Lane Bees, a state certified apiary in Commerce, GA. They specialize in raising open mated queens and nucleus hives with Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) genetics. They have their own state certified honey room where they process their local wildflower honey & North Georgia sourwood honey. Additionally, Shawn is a state certified honeybee removal operator. He retired from the military in 2014 where he served for over 25 years in several different fields; Pershing Missiles, Army Aviation, Air Force Jet Engine Technician, Air Force Special Security Officer, and Air Force Intelligence Officer. Subsequent to his military career, he owned and operated a successful home inspection business for 10 years. He has a BS degree in General Physics and a MS Ed (Mathematics).
Topic: DDT: Demaree, Doolittle and Thomkins Decreasing swarms and increasing honey, while raising your best queens!
Decreasing swarms and increasing honey, while raising your best queens!
Join the Club!
Interested in joining our beekeeping community? We would love to have you! Fill out our membership form and become a member or renew your existing membership today! Click on the Membership tab above to be directed to the CheddarUp website for processing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to the Oglethorpe County Bee Club!
Upcoming Events:
Winterville Marigold Festival -
May 10th 2025
Please contact any board member if you'd like to volunteer to man our booth!
Beneficial Nematodes Purchase -
Early April
Please contact Paula Bartlett at paula.eugenia62@gmail.com if you would like to be included in the purchase. Click Here for more info!
We Meet Once a Month!
Come join the Oglethorpe County Bee Club, the third Monday of every month at
7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45pm) at the Georgia Farm Bureau, 925 Athens Rd., Crawford, Ga. — just a short drive east of Athens. We hope you'll attend!
Save the Honey Bees License Plate is Now Live!

Buy some Honey!
Elizabeth Mackey

Honey Bee Swarms
This space is reserved for members interested in removing low-hanging (up to 10 feet) swarms in Athens and surrounding counties. Service is usually free unless otherwise noted by the beekeeper.
If you would like to volunteer your services here please contact us (ocbcbeeclubcommunications@gmail.com) by email.
Elizabeth Mackey 706-224-3615
NOTE: We presently don't have anyone who is certified (per new GA law) that can remove bees from buildings...best to contact Georgia Bee Removal for their services at gabeeremoval.com
Check back again in the future when some of our members may be certified for structural removals.
Board of Directors for 2025!
President - Elizabeth Mackey
Vice President - Paula Bartlett
Treasurer - Georgia McPeak
Secretary - Susan Wilhelm
At-Large - Mike Conner
At-Large - Dan Eggers
Librarian - Ashley Wright